Grade 8

English Language Arts

Week 2

During this time of virtual learning, please refer to our Google classroom for daily assignments, resources and other activities. Creating a personal daily routine might be helpful to pace yourself. The plan is for you to have 45 minutes of ELA each day. I am available to answer your questions between 9-1, yet it is up to you to choose the best time to complete your assignments.

If, during the week, you had missed something, please go back and catch up. Applying your reading and writing skills and strategies, use your best effort to complete the work within the suggested timeframe. Documents ,which are then turned in, will be reviewed as usual, and returned with my feedback and comments.

STUDENT GMAIL ACCOUNTS ARE NOW ACCESSIBLE. Please communicate with me, when necessary, via email and/or private comments on our Classroom page. Should I post class comments, it will be for the benefit of all classmates, and you will be invited to participate.

Best wishes to you and your families,

Mrs. Agro