7th Grade ELA

ATTENTION 6th-8th Grade Boys:

Please use the following Google Classroom code to join our Google Classroom page: k2tucnj.

Our signup meeting will be held on Friday, 2/19, at 1:00. Please use the Google Meet code on the Classroom page to join.

“Books are meat and medicine

and flame and flight and flower

steel, stitch, cloud and clout,

and drumbeats on the air.”

Gwendolyn Brooks

Welcome to 7th grade ELA! We are so excited to meet you and for our year ahead together. We will read and write and think and question and solve and accomplish amazing things this year! We ask that you arrive to Room 505 each day with an open mind and a willingness to learn and work together.

In the weeks to come, we will begin to approach many interesting and important topics, ranging from themes and symbolism and characterization in class novels, short stories and poetry to grammatical rules and reference and research guides. Check this site often, as we will update it in the coming days with useful class information, such as homework, class handouts and links that will come in handy in ELA this year.

We hope you had a wonderfully exciting summer! Here is to an exciting year together!

All the best,

Mr. McConville and Mrs. Potter


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either of us via the school e-mail address. Our e-mail address is: pottern@ sbs-nj.org or mcconvillej@sbs-nj.org. We will reply as soon as possible.

►As always, students are encouraged to read, read, read. Read for pleasure, read for information. Take at least 30 minutes a day to turn off the TV, shut off the computer, and lose yourself in a book.