Call for Doctoral Studentship Applications

Developing Collaborative Management System: Understanding Stakeholders' Interaction in Indonesia Green Growth Program

Supervisor(s): Dr.Eng. Pri Hermawan, ST., MT.


Research Interest: Drama Theory, Problem Structuring Methods, Multi-stakeholders Collaboration

Research Details

With the ratification of the Paris Agreement in 2015, Indonesia has entered its economic growth target that considers the limited environmental services and avoids worsening global warming. This environmentally friendly economic growth target, referred to as the Green Economy, is translated into The Green Growth Program in Indonesia.

For a multicultural country like Indonesia, various perspectives can emerge in the process of daily interaction. In the green growth context that involves many stakeholders and the community, emerging perspectives may trigger obstacles in the form of differences and disagreements. Dibble and Gibson (2013) have researched multicultural collaboration in interactions without organisational structure. This study indicates that the condition of multicultural interaction does have potential barriers to collaboration due to differences in cultural perspectives, values, and guidelines. Their observations also stated that the members of this collaboration program could choose several main strategies for overcoming conflict: withdrawal, settlement, rearrangement, and restructuring.

Another problem that arises from the different perspectives caused by the multicultural context is the relationship between rational and appropriate decisions. In their research, Rees and Kopelman (2019) show that something that should be done (rationality) to resolve conflict can be seen as appropriate and should not be done by other actors with different cultural backgrounds. These problems are likely to occur in the context of green growth in Indonesia.

Drama Theory, as a derived theory from Game Theory, provides an appropriate analytical framework to map the dilemmatic conditions faced by actors involved in the green transition process in Indonesia. This dilemma analysis later became the main feature of Drama Theory in mapping positions, choices, and doubts in multi-actor interactions (Bryant, 2015). In addition to dilemma analysis, Drama Theory also has another analytical framework called pathological analysis. Just as pathology is the process of diagnosing disease in living cells, pathology in Drama Theory aims to study ‘'disease'’ that may occur in the interaction between actors.

The results of the analysis offered by Drama Theory can be used as the basis for a Collaborative Management System that will help stakeholders resolve different perspectives and dilemmas in the Green Growth Program implementation in Indonesia. Drama Theory-based Management System is expected to complement the economic analysis of the sustainability of the project held by Indonesia's Government with additional analytical frameworks and tools capable of digesting the complexities of interactions between actors and stakeholders.

Research Roadmap

This research is part of the long-term roadmap of the research team formed to focus on realising a management system with the highest technology readiness level. Long-term plans will be introduced when students are already part of our team. This research team has been formed from students from several educational backgrounds concerned about this topic. Students will have the opportunity to share knowledge, discuss the difficulties and developments of the research carried out, and the opportunity to access and be involved in current as well as our previous studies.

We cannot separate this research from the research roadmap in the Decision Making and Strategic Negotiation (DMSN) expertise group which supervise this research. This research is part of a plan to develop tools or methods that support decision making and negotiation. Students are welcome to study, collaborate, or combine their interests with other researchers in the expertise group.

Expected Research Findings

To achieve the long-term goals of this research roadmap, a team that can work together in their respective fields and interests is needed. To that end, several things are expected to be achieved in this research phase.

  1. Understanding the green economy transition ecosystem in Indonesia based on the current situation;

  2. Understanding the interaction conditions in the green growth process based on the analytical framework of position, choice, dilemma, and pathology of Drama Theory;

  3. Develop a Collaborative Management System prototype based on dilemma and pathology analysis framework;

  4. Measuring the validity and reliability of the Collaborative Management System based on its ability to analyse dilemmas and pathologies and their relationship to the multicultural context in Indonesia

Applicant Qualifications

Please visit the admission page for details about the application requirements.