Can You Make a Ball Roll Uphill?

Have you ever wondered if it is possible to make a ball defy gravity and roll uphill? Have you ever played catch and the ball rolls down the hill? Well now, we are going to make a ball that will defy Newton's third law of gravity. Newton’s third law of gravity states that “what goes up must come down.” There are many balls on the market, but very few can claim that they can roll uphill. This project should be very easy to make, and if you do not have the supplies at home, then you could easily run to the dollar store and buy the pieces needed. I will develop a few models to make this ball, and let you know which one works the best, so that you can do this and impress and wow your friends!

My experiment will have three components: a hollow, plastic outer ball that will unscrew; honey; and a solid steel ball bearing. My hypothesis is that the honey around the steel ball will slow the downward momentum, causing the ball to shake and seem to not be able to make up its mind, whether it wants to go up or down. This should make the ball roll uphill some, as it very slowly inches down the hill.

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