Social studies Department


Department Overview

At San Gorgonio High School our Social Studies department objectives are to create civic literacy and historical understanding in a fast paced technology driven environment. We strive to bring cultural awareness, geographical knowledge, economic knowledge, global awareness, and preparation for citizenship into our classrooms. To ensure the best learning experience for our students we teach critical thinking skills, research skills, and communication skills all the while integrating technology into the classroom. 




Department Chair- Cara Stults

Welcome to the San Gorgonio High School Social Studies website. I am Cara Stults the Social Studies department chair. I graduated from California State University San Bernardino with my B.A. in Social Science with a concentration in Modern European History. I went on to receive my  teaching credential and Masters of Education in Digital Teaching and Learning from Azusa Pacific University. 

I have worked in the San Bernardino City Unified School district since 2014 and I have been at San Gorgonio High School since the 2020-2021 school year. I have served as the department chair since the 2021-2022 school year. 

It is my passion to bring light into the classroom and help students reach their highest potential. Myself and my department members 




Below are helpful links for both parents and studetns