


Going over the sounds sh, th, ch, ck, and wh make!

You can practice our letter and vowel chants each day. Teach your grown up or someone at home!

Point to the letter and say the letter name, phrase, and letter sound. You can do them in ABC order or mix them up!

a - apple - /a/ b - bat m- /b/ c - cat - /k/ d - dog /d/ e - ed - /e/

Use the vowel chart in your packet to practice the vowel names an sounds

Point to the vowel, follow the line with your finger or a pointer to stretch out the sound.

  • a - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa pple /a/
  • e - eeeeeeeeeeeeeee d - /e/
  • i - iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tch - /i/
  • o - ooooooooooooo ctopus - /o/
  • u - uuuuuuuuuuuuuu p /u/

fundation letter cards

These tiles/cards can also be used to practice your letters and sounds.