Summer Reading


June 3rd: Library materials due back

June 10th: Summer checkout begins

September 9th: Summer materials due back

There are many reasons to read…to learn something new, to keep reading skills sharp, and also to dream, to laugh, to wonder, to grow! That is why we encourage Harold Martin and Maple Street students to participate in the summer book check out program.

Students are invited to borrow books from the school library for their summer reading pleasure. When a student returns all materials borrowed during the school year (due on June 3rd) and submits the signed permission form to the library, they are eligible for summer check out. We ask that students choose approximately 5 books or less for summer reading, but are willing to make exceptions for our most voracious readers.

Beginning June 10th, students may come to the school library to make their selection for summer check out. Parents are welcome to visit the school library to assist their children with their summer book selection and to help them carry the books home. Summer books are due back on September 9th of the new school year. Current sixth graders attending Hopkinton Middle High School in the fall may return their Maple Street summer checkout books to the Hopkinton Middle High School Street library.