My child was exposed to someone who is positive -

Now what?

My child is vaccinated!

  • Great! If your child is fully up to date (her/his second vaccination was more than 14 days ago, but less than 6 months, or they have already had a booster), they can come into school.

  • Your child needs to wear a well-fitting mask when around other people for 10 days, especially indoors.

  • If symptoms develop, keep your child home and test them.

  • Test your child on 5 days after they were exposed, even if there are no symptoms.

  • If testing is positive, keep your child home and please call me at 603-532-8355 x.424.

My child is not vaccinated.

  1. Please keep them home!

  1. Call me at 603-532-8355 x.424 for a return date.

  2. Your child will need to stay home 5 days after they were last exposed. This means that if they are still living with the person who is positive, that person needs to complete their 5-day course of illness first. THEN the 5-day quarantine for your child starts. Please go here to see how this works.

  3. For 10 days, your child needs to wear a well-fitting mask, avoid immunocompromised people, and avoid travel.

  4. At day 5 after the last exposure, test your child, even if there are no symptoms.

  5. Please consider getting your child vaccinated in a couple of weeks! It will keep them in school!