Where all students read, think, share, create, and grow!
Contact Information
Lisa Martin - Library Media Specialist (603) 889-1577 Ext. 7108
Welcome to the Thorntons Ferry Library where all students can read, think, share, create, and grow. The library is designed to support literacy development in meaningful and engaging ways, and create a passion for life-long learning.
Students explore a variety of print and digital resources and learn how to select reading material based on interest and purpose. Students also learn how to access and evaluate information sources and how to apply age appropriate research skills. Library lessons are aligned with the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Standards and are integrated with classroom curriculum and student's real life experiences.
Visiting The Library
Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade students visit the library for book selection and integrated lessons during their scheduled unified arts block.
Preschool students visit the library for story time and to browse and borrow books.
Students have access to the district online catalog (OPAC) to browse books available in the library.
They can also access digital reading materials through Sora an online reading app.
Books checked out from the library are due back on the student's next scheduled visit to the library. Students may renew a book as long as no one else has requested it.
Book checkout limits by grade level:
Preschool/Kindergarten: 1 book
1st grade: 2 books
2nd grade: 3 books
3rd grade: 4 books
4th grade: 5 books
No fines are assessed for overdue books; however, students may not borrow another book from the library until all books are returned.
If a book is lost or badly damaged, the student will be charged for the cost of replacing the book. If a book is paid for and then found, the payment will be reimbursed.