
Guitar project options for the next 2 weeks:

Exciting Guitar Adventure: Project Options!!!

1. Learn 20 Chords and make a video of yourself playing them. Before you start you must draw out the chords you will learn, then begin to learn how to form the chords and get them to sound properly. You must also record yourself playing a song that uses at least 3 of the chords you learned.

2. Learn the primary notes of each of the 6 strings of the guitar and make a video of yourself playing them. Use the Hal Leonard Guitar book as a reference to help you. Before you begin learning the notes, write out the names of the notes you will learn on each of the 6 strings(Generally 2-3 notes per string), and also the position of your fingers on the fretboard. Record yourself playing a song that uses notes on at least 4 of the 6 strings.

3. Write a song that uses at least 5 different chords. The song should be 3-5 minutes in length. Write out the lyrics and place the chord changes in the appropriate places. Create a chord diagram at the bottom of the lyric lead sheet to show how to finger the chords you use. Make a video that shows how to play the chords you use, and then video yourself playing the song.

4. More advanced students can choose the option to be a teacher for someone who is new to guitar. You will teach your student 20 chords. If you don’t know 20 chords, you can learn them as you go and then teach them to your student. Make a video of yourself teaching your student the 20 chords. You will also need to make a video of yourself playing a song that uses at least 3 of the songs you taught. Your student will need to make a video of a 3 chord song as well. If you wish, you may play a song and record it together.

Alternate Guitar Research Project

Discuss the history of the guitar, ranging from its invention through its use in today’s music. Discuss at least two guitar players and their influence on music today. You may also discuss musical genres that feature the guitar, the anatomy of a guitar, how it produces sound, and a description of how to play. All the information you will need is included on the internet sources listed below.

This report is to be in paragraph format and written in your own may not just copy and paste information from the web! You will be graded on both content and on grammar/mechanics.

History, artists, anatomy

How sound is produced, genres

How to play

Guitar Resources: