Together We Die , Apart We (May) Live : Company Survival in Crisis.

It is strange that there are a number of large companies that decided to split into a subsidiary, despite the fact that being a big firm would have benefits to the organization in many ways, such as higher productivity from the benefits of economies of scale, access to capital advantage, having a large customer base and having a high level of bargaining power. Read more (article is originally in Thai, please click here for the google translated version) to understand the essence behind this.

The Role of 'Female Leaders' to Reduce Risks of Hostile Takeover in Crisis

"Hostile takeover" is not a friendly occasion. However, female leaders can play a key role in preventing hostile takeovers. Read more (article is originally in Thai, please click here for the google translated version) to learn what "hostile takeover" means, and how female leaders are powerful.

Is Gold Still a "Safety Paradise"?

The current economic volatility due to various epidemics, wars and international politics resulting in food prices, consumer goods, oil and gas price increased. Resulting in inflation in various countries. Which created difficulties for people in all sectors not only investors around the world. However, amid the volatility, "gold" tends to be the only asset that many people look up to. Read more (article is originally in Thai, please click here for the google translated version) to understand the essence underlying "gold".