St. Andrew's Episcopal School

Responsible Use Policy

A good digital citizen at St. Andrew's Episcopal School acts with honor and practices safety.

To act with Honor, I will:

  1. Adhere to the St. Andrew’s Honor Code.
  2. Treat others with respect at all times, both online and offline.
  3. Use technology to connect with people in a positive way rather than bully, harass, or tease other people.
  4. Refrain from damaging or deleting the work or property of others, including websites, computers, or devices.
  5. Not misrepresent myself or others while online.
  6. Refrain from logging into another person’s account or tampering with another person’s files.
  7. Ask for permission before reading another person’s private communications.
  8. Ask for permission before taking pictures or videos of others or sharing photos/videos of others.
  9. Only search for, view or copy appropriate pictures or information.
  10. Use copyright-free materials, or ask for permission before using media or work produced by others.
  11. Suitably provide attribution for / cite online resources, books and media not of my own creation.
  12. Use technology for academic purposes within a classroom setting.

To practice Safety, I will:

  1. Keep personal information private, including my login information and passwords.
  2. Notify an adult if someone makes me feel uncomfortable or uses technology to hurt or harass me.
  3. Refrain from sending unwanted communications to those who ask me not to, or forwarding inappropriate materials.

And as a good Digital Citizen I understand:

  1. My access to Internet resources and use of technology owned by St. Andrew’s Episcopal School is not private. Teachers, technology staff and administrators may review my work and activities at any time, including my personal devices used at school or those used to access online school resources.
  2. Content I create and share online should represent me positively because that content has a digital footprint. It might be seen or read by anyone in the world with access to the Internet including my teachers, parents and peers.
  3. It is my responsibility to abide by the guidelines of this Responsible Use Policy as well as the Acceptable Use Policy listed in the Student Handbook.