Matthew Hewett

IMPORTANT: My new email address is mhewett [at] sas [dot] upenn [dot] edu. Emails sent to my previous email ( / will bounce and will not reach me.

I am an assistant professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Pennsylvania. I hold a PhD in Linguistics from The University of Chicago and previously worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow in Linguistics at Georgetown University. You can access my dissertation, Types of resumptive Ā-dependencies, here.

My research reevaluates the nature of syntactic and morphological dependencies. Some of my research interests include: resumptivity and Ā-dependencies, (l-)selection, passives, pronominal structure, and postsyntactic morphology (including especially morphological discontinuities and multiple exponence). I specialize in Semitic languages, including especially spoken Arabic varieties.

My pronouns are he/him/his.