Welcome to the 2021 IASAS MUN Conference:

"Relief & Reconstruction"

Welcome to the conference!

We are so excited to have you attending this year's IASAS Model United Nations Conference hosted by Singapore American School! Due to COVID-19 the conference will be online. Feel free to browse our website & reach out if you have any questions.

Letter from the Secretary-General

Dear Delegates, Chairs, Sponsors and Distinguished Guests,

My name is Bryn, and I am a senior at Singapore American School. This year I am honoured to be your Secretary-General for the 2021 IASAS MUN Conference themed around “Relief and Reconstruction”. We are proud this year to have nine unique and competitive committees: Security Council, ECOSOC, HRC, WHO, ICJ, UN4MUN, DISEC, a Special Conference on Middle Eastern Affairs (SCMEA), and our crisis committee Committee on South-East Asian Affairs. With the continued effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic, we are proud to be hosting this prestigious event online. Our secretariat team is highly versed in the ins and outs of online Model United Nations. Our team has attended and organised events last year and promise to bring you an excellent experience online. I look forward to seeing you in the virtual committee rooms and welcome you to the 2021 IASAS MUN conference with us.

Best regards,

Bryn D,

Secretary-General of 2021 IASAS MUN: “Relief and Reconstruction”