Mrs. Queen's Transitional Kindergarten class

at Argonaut School


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Mrs. Queen is the transitional kindergarten teacher at Argonaut school.

Mrs. Queen's office hours are on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30 to 3:30. You can also send an email to to schedule a visit at another time that may be more convenient for you.

Beginning on Friday 8/16 through 9/14 Kinders will be dismissed at 12:10pm. The extended days will begin on September 16th - 8:30-2:10pm.

The teachers will bring the children to the pick up area near the kindergarten playground at dismissal time but you are welcome to wait for your child at our classroom door.

Please have your child bring a snack each day (except the first day). This is helpful since many students do get hungry before noon.

It would helpful if you could send a small bag of clothes for your child to change into if needed. The best things to put in the bag are socks, underwear, pants, and a t-shirt. Please write your child's name on the bag. The bag can be stored in their classroom cubby.

Please note that the work that comes home in the laminated Take-Home Envelope is work we've done in class. You can keep that work at home. The envelope may be empty. Any work to be done at home will be sent home in a special homework bag with instructions. Please empty the laminated envelope each day and return the empty envelope to our classroom. I will be sending home the laminated envelope with each student shortly after school begins.