Natural / Artificial Intelligence contest

Is your student team smarter than ChatGPT? 

1) Organize a student team with your classmates and your teacher.

2) Design riddles for ChatGPT and other student teams.

3) Try to solve the riddles faster than ChatGPT.

Steps: Sign up your team   -   See riddles and rounds examples - Design some riddles  -  Guess other teams riddles with your mates  -  Prompt the riddle to ChatGPT  -  Publish the score

16th ASEF classnet - Educational target - About the authors - About ASEF

This contest has been designed by Lisha Manoj and Juan Fernández as a final work for the 16th classroom network organized by ASEF.  They teach English and ICT respectively in St. Mark's and Santiago Apóstol Secondary Schools.

The main targets of this contest are:

ASEF: Asia - Europe Fundation.  
