December 4, 2017

Chaos is a friend of mine.

-Bob Dylan

Yes, December is a busy, exciting, and somewhat chaotic month! The next few weeks will be action-packed with special events, including lots of fun in the art room. The artwork below reminded me of this building excitement!For extra credit, see if you can find all the silly, crazy, goofy faces kids are making in this newsletter. I stopped counting at around 20!

I believe in giving children lots of chances for open-ended exploration of new materials with no required "product" at the end. In kindergarten and first grade, this can mean a pile of ribbons, straws, craft sticks, cloth, yarn, paper, feathers, and other items, ready to be arranged, taped, glued, and attached. You never know what possibilities a child will see in a box full of "stuff!"

Second Graders are wrapping up painting their papier mache animals and habitats. This week we will begin working on our Social Studies/Art unit on Native Americans. They will have a lot to teach me after their trip to the museum in Warner last week!

Third-graders are beginning a unit on sculpture, so they started out learning some basic techniques for paper sculpture, including folding, cutting, bending, and attaching. Their pond paintings look beautiful in the teacher's vestibule at the front of the school! Check them out when you come to school on Thursday for conferences!

Fourth-graders got MESSY with the papier-mache this week! Even the few students who were a little bit nervous about dipping their hands into the flour and water goop gave it a try (after some gentle prodding by their art teacher!)

Fifth Graders are continuing to work on making sculptures of the human figure. This week, they finished their clay figures and made some "mixed media" people using all sorts of materials.

Sixth Graders are hard at work on their mixed media CD folders. They are a pretty diverse set, showing off this group's sense of humor!

In art class, seventh graders have made some good progress on their pencil and charcoal drawings, using photographs for reference. But first, here are some pictures of their Evidence Boards from history class, trying to solve the mystery of the death of a prehistoric human in the Alps, nicknamed the Iceman.

Seventh-graders are also getting ready to do some cave painting this week. Here they are doing some practice sketches...

And here they are again, working on their lovely art projects. I'm proud of the progress they are making!

The Middle School field trip to the Museum of Fine Arts was amazing! We got to see exhibits of artwork from Egypt, the Americas, and the Silk Road between East and West. Our tour guides were wonderful, and after lunch students had a chance to do some sketching in the galleries.

Below: Just a couple of chaperones on their way home from the big city!

To bring a couple last smiles to this newsletter, here are some images of the Dress Up Club

enrichment group, making some awesome hats, wands and other accessories.

Have a wonderful week and I look forward to seeing

many of you at Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday!