April 2, 2018

A gush of bird-song, a patter of dew,

A cloud, and a rainbow's warning,

Suddenly sunshine and perfect blue--

An April day in the morning.

--Harriet Prescott Spofford

Happy Spring from the Art Room! I hope you enjoy these pictures from our week!

The K-2 crowd has begun getting ready for our Community Museum in May. Kindergarten and first grade artists continued working on their collage self-portraits, which are super cute! We plan to ask each student, teacher, and staff member in the whole school to make a self-portrait, then display them together to show our SBS school community.

Second-graders are busy bees, working on their beehive community. This week we had bee sanders, bee painters, bee wing-makers, and beehive painters! We talked about how sometimes in art class, each artist makes his or her own artwork, and other times, artists work together to create something BIG! In honeybee communities, each type of bee in the hive has its own important job, and together they keep the hive running. Over the next few weeks, we will be working together to make our own beehive display beautiful!

Upstairs in the "big art room," it was printmaking week! Third-graders got their hands dirty with some printmaking, using foam to make small stamps, which will be used to create borders for their pastel fish drawings. Some kiddos "accidentally-on purpose" even stamped themselves!

Fourth grade artists made printing plates of seaweed using foam, then finished assembling their mixed media gyotaku prints. On Thursday, they had a chance to work in their new sketchbooks!

Fifth graders spent some time glazing clay projects and working on their independent work.

Sixth grade artists began carving their linoleum blocks this week, after learning how to use their carving tools safely to make a variety of marks. We also practiced the printmaking process using foam trays, just to get the steps down before printing the linoleum blocks.

Some other photos from our week...

Spring recess is here!