Mrs. Sedillo's Third Grade Class


My name is Mrs. Sedillo, and I will be your third grade teacher this year. I know things seem a bit crazy in the world right now, but my goal is to make this year the best yet!

We will start the year on Distance Learning. Things will be a lot different this year. Some things that are new are:

  • You will be meeting with me on zoom a few times a day, at certain times. So you will need to have some kind of clock either in your house or on your computer. A schedule of our day can be found on the 'schedule tab' of this website.

  • You will also have some work that will be assigned to you to do independently (by yourself). We will being using both Google Classroom and Seesaw. Don't worry I will teach you how to use both platforms.

  • I will be taking attendance everyday. If you do not show up to the scheduled zoom time, you will be marked absent. I want to see your beautiful face everyday, so make sure you pay attention to the schedule.

  • There will be small groups. Sometimes only a small group will be on zoom with me while the rest of the students are working independently. You can see what groups you are in by checking the 'small group' tab on the website. Please note that there are small groups for Language, Guided Reading, and Math.

  • We will be using some new websites that you may not have used last year. Don't worry, I will show you how to use them. Most can be found on CLEVER like Seesaw, ST Math, and even Google Classroom. For the websites that aren't linked to CLEVER, like Spelling City and Lalilo, you will be able to find them on the 'website' tab of this website.