Common Core Math 7

Month 7: Chapter 8

Circles and Area


Class Notes

Week 1

M7W1 Notes Math 7.pdf

Week 2

M7W2 Notes Math 7 23-24.pdf

Week 3

M7W3 Notes Math 7 23-24.pdf

Video Tutorials (give them a moment to load)

Intro to Circles: Radius, Circumference and Pi (𝜋 )

Use Circumference to find the Radius or Diameter

Circles, Circumference And Area

(You will be watching this one as an Edpuzzle this month)

Review: Area of a Trapezoid

Area and Perimeter of Composite Figures (no Circles)

Area and Perimeter of Composite Figures (with Circles)

Area of a Composite Figure

Area of Oddly-Shaped Composite Figures (with cut-outs)

Area and Perimeter of a Composite Figure with Circular Cut-Outs

Surface Area of  Rectangular Prisms and Square Pyramids

Surface Area of  Triangular Prisms

Surface Area of a  Regular (Equilateral ) Triangular Pyramid

Additional Resources

Month 7 Study Guide Math 7.pdf

Common Core State Standards (CCSS)

8.1 Circles and Circumference (CCSS 7.G.4)

8.2  Perimeters of Composite Figures (CCSS 7.G.4)

8.3 Areas of Circles (CCSS 7.G.4)

8.4 Areas of Composite Figures  (CCSS 7.G.6)