Day-by-Day Update

Day FOUR with Sol

Bible Point:  When people are sad, shine Jesus' light!

Bible Story:  Jesus cares for His mother. (John 19:25-27)

Bible Verse: "Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God." (John 14:1) 

Catholic Identity  Word: The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary

Saint of the Day: Our Lady of Sorrows

It’s been a busy week at Saint Raphael. It’s hard to believe that there is only one more day to go at STELLAR Vacation Bible School!

Pre-K and Kindergarten children brought home a Bible poster on the story of His Mother Mary at the cross on Good Friday.  Sometimes even holy stories are sad, but we know that things will turn out fine in the end, because God is with us!

Grades 1-4 should work on the Day 4 story “Comfort in Crisis” in the STELLAR FAITH book (pages 29-34). This is a good story for parents to read as well, because it’s written in the person of Jesus’ Mother Mary.  If she was sad, then she knows what it’s like when we are sad too.  Read it together with your child!

ALL children received the “Sol” Bible Buddy today, along with a holy card of Our Lady of Sorrows. Isn’t it wonderful that God gave us the power to comfort someone?   Who needs comfort in your life today?  

Keep Watching for God!  His signs are all around us, including in the people we live and work with!

Tomorrow is the final day of our collection of new clothing items for the children cared for by BLESSING HOUSE!  Did you know that your child is also sending a note of comfort to a child who is temporarily living at Blessing House, because their family is in crisis?  The notes are written on cards shaped like rocket ships, the planets and the sun! 

We still have some VBS items for sale:  Children’s t-shirts and Stellar cds are $7.00 each.  Navy blue Stellar Crew shirts are available in sizes Adult Small, Large and XL and are $10 each.  We are able to accept cash or checks made payable to St. Raphael Parish.  

PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS, SIBLINGS and GUESTS are invited to our closing Cosmic Finale on Friday!  It begins at 11:40 a.m. and is expected to end about 12:15 p.m.  The VBS children and teens will perform the songs that they learned and we’ll close with prayer and lots of blessings!  The finale includes an out-of-this-world Power Point slide show of the events of the week!  Due to child protection policies for minors, we are not able to post the slide show or share it with families.  It remains the property of Saint Raphael Parish and is archived.  Your child will be part of this special moment in time in the history of Saint Raphael!   

Friday is happy hat day!  ... 

Coloring at home!

Sol_Bible Memory Buddy Coloring.pdf

Day THREE with Luna

Bible Point:  When good things happen, shine Jesus' light!

Bible Story:  Jesus enters Jerusalem (Luke 19: 28-40)

Bible Verse: "Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth!" (Psalm 100:1)

Catholic Identity  Word: Blessed Palms

Saint of the Day: Saint Philip Neri

Everyone was GLOWING today as the children and teens learned another new song,and danced with glow sticks & bracelets in the dark at the conclusion of Day 3!

Pre-K and Kindergarten children brought home a Bible poster on the story of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  Have them tell you about the story and the donkey!

Grades 1-4 should work on the Day 3 story “A Colt for the King” in the STELLAR FAITH book (pages 21-26).  

ALL children received the “Luna” Bible Buddy today, along with a holy card of St. Philip Neri, who is the Patron Saint of JOY and LAUGHTER!  Have you smiled today?  Smile more!

Keep watching for God!  His signs are all around us, including in the people we live and work with!

Tomorrow continues our collection of new clothing items for the children cared for by BLESSING HOUSE!

Remember to call grandparents to let them know you love them, and tell them about all the fun things happening at Vacation Bible School! 

Thursday is funny hair day! 

Coloring at home!

Luna_Bible Memory Buddy Coloring.pdf

Day Two with Ringo

Bible Point:  When people don't get along, shine Jesus' light!

Bible Story:  Jesus accepts Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-9)

Bible Verse: "Live in harmony with one another." (Romans 12:16)

Catholic Identity  Word: Sign of Peace

Saint of the Day: Saint Francis

Tomorrow begins our collection of new clothing items for the children cared for by BLESSING HOUSE!

Families - thank you for adjusting your pick-up entrance into our parking lot today.  The rest of the week will be our normal ONE-WAY traffic, entering on Dover Center Road and leaving via Douglas! 

Pre-K and Kindergarten children brought home a Bible poster on the story of Jesus’ visit with Zacchaeus.  Have them tell you the story!

Grades 1-4 should work on the Day 2 daily bible story activity in the STELLAR FAITH book (pages 11-13).  

ALL children received the “Ringo” – Bible Buddy today, along with a holy card of Saint Francis.  Say a prayer for all animals!

Keep watching for God!  His signs are all around us, including in the people we live and work with!

Our Vacation Bible School Team of adults and teens are gathering at the 7:45 a.m. Mass tomorrow morning to pray for all of your families.  It’s the Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the grandparents of Jesus!  Plan to do something to celebrate family.  And if grandparents don’t live nearby, give them a call! 

Wednesday is Neon and Dress like a Friend day!

Coloring at home!

Ringo_Bible Memory Buddy Coloring.pdf

Day One with Cosmo

Bible Point:  When life feels dark, shine Jesus' light!

Bible Story:  Jesus comes as a baby to be king.  (Luke 2:1-20; Matthew 1:18-2:12)

Bible Verse: "Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world.'" (John 8:12)

Catholic Identity  Word: Paschal Candle

Saint of the Day: Yi Seung-hun

Pre-K and Kindergarten children brought home a Bible poster & sticker today.  Have them tell you the story!

Grades 1-4 should work on the daily bible story activity in the STELLAR FAITH book that you brought home today in your family bag! 

ALL children received “Cosmo” – the Star of Bethlehem Bible Buddy today, along with a holy card of Saint Yi Seung-hun.

And they also received a glow-in-the-dark WATCH FOR GOD bracelet.  The kids should wear this to VBS each day.  Help them see God -in your family, in nature and in the smallest wonders that are around us each day!

Tuesday is Crazy Sock Day!

Coloring at home!

Cosmo_Bible Memory Buddy Coloring.pdf

Day FIVE with Halley

Bible Point:  When people need help, shine Jesus' light!

Bible Story:  Philip helps the Ethiopian (Act 8:26-39)

Bible Verse: "Let your good deeds that everyone will praise your heavenly Father." (Matthew 5:16)

Catholic Identity  Word: The Corporal Works of Mercy

Saint of the Day: Saint Louise de Marillac

Thank you for joining us for Totally Catholic Stellar VBS this week!

Please join us again next year for Totally Catholic SCUBA VBS, Diving into friendship with God!

Coloring at home!

Halley_Bible Memory Buddy Coloring.pdf