Term 3

Week 1

LI 1. We are learning to about the Apostles Creed prayer

Weeks 2 - 4


LI 1. We are learning how through Baptism , people are called to be Holy

LI 2. We are learning how Baptism calls people to grow in Holiness.

LI 3. we are learning to understand The Church's mission of service today

Week 5


LI 1. We are learning that God is present in our lives.

Week 6-7


LI 1. We are learning to name some rituals and symbols used at celebrations

LI 2. We are learning to identify some rituals and symbols used by different cultures during celebrations

Weeks 8 - 9


LI 1. We are learning to identify some symbols that reflect the presence of God to some people

LI 2. We are learning to identify some rituals and symbols used by different cultures during celebrations