Writing Term 4

Week 9

Time to make some Christmas  decorations!

Week 9

This week a few of rm 8 will be taking photos of next years yr 7's and 8's for the Class Site.

Rm 8 2020 Movie Time

Week 7 

Once we have completed Float we are going to continnue with another movie. We will break it down and write using different perspectives and voices. Difference...how can this effect us and also those around us?

Week 4, 5 & 6 

This week we will be working through Float to increase our understanding of the connections between oral, written, and visual language when creating texts.


Week 3...continued

This week we will be continuing on with our writing of an 'Explanation' ready for our E-Asttle test ion Wednesday of Week 3.

Scaffolded Explanation Writing Year 7/8 Term 4 Distance Learning MG

Week 2...continued

This week we will be re-visiting writing and 'Explanation' to be ready for our E-Asttle test in Week 3.

Scaffolded Explanation Writing Year 7/8 Term 4 Distance Learning MG

Week 1

This week we will be re-visiting writing and 'Explanation' to be ready for our E-Asttle test in Week 3.

We will also be doing a short poetry piece on unity and the importance we have for each other.

Scaffolded Explanation Writing Year 7/8 Term 4 Distance Learning MG