Blue Term 2

Week 6 complete

WALT: 1) To search for clues within the text to understand the hidden meaning not directly stated.

  2) To think critically in order to recognise cause and effect.

Read Journal November 2020. Make a copy of the presentation and answer all the questions. When you have completed Slide 5 or 6 choose your favourite bird, transfer the information to a Goolge Draw, add an image of the bird and upload it to your Blog using the embed code.

Journal November 2020 is also online underneath the activity presentation ...

Journal Level 3 November 2020
School Journal Level 3 November 2020

Week 6 Begin

WALT: 1) To search for clues within the text to understand the hidden meaning not directly stated.

  2) To think critically in order to recognise cause and effect.

Read Journal November 2022. Make a copy of the presentation and answer all the questions. When you have completed the Google Draw from slide 5 upload it to your Blog using the embed code.

School Journal Level 3 November 2022
Journal Level 3 November 2023

Week 5 continued

WALT: 1) To search for clues within the text to understand the hidden meaning not directly stated.

  2) To think critically in order to recognise cause and effect.

Read Journal November 2020. Make a copy of the presentation and answer all the questions. When you have completed Slide 5 or 6 choose your favourite bird, transfer the information to a Goolge Draw, add an image of the bird and upload it to your Blog using the embed code.

Journal November 2020 is also online underneath the activity presentation ...

Journal Level 3 November 2020
School Journal Level 3 November 2020

Week 4

WALT: 1) To search for clues within the text to understand the hidden meaning not directly stated.

  2) To think critically in order to recognise cause and effect.

Read Journal November 2020. Make a copy of the presentation and answer all the questions. When you have completed Slide 5 or 6 choose your favourite bird, transfer the information to a Goolge Draw, add an image of the bird and upload it to your Blog using the embed code.

Journal November 2020 is also online underneath the activity presentation ...

Journal Level 3 November 2020
School Journal Level 3 November 2020

Week 3

WALT: 1) To search for clues within the text to understand the hidden meaning not directly stated.

  2) To think critically in order to recognise cause and effect.

Read Journal November 2020. Make a copy of the presentation and answer all the questions. When you have completed Slide 5 or 6 choose your favourite bird, transfer the information to a Goolge Draw, add an image of the bird and upload it to your Blog using the embed code.

Journal November 2020 is also online underneath the activity presentation ...

Journal Level 3 November 2020
School Journal Level 3 November 2020

Week 2

Continue and complete reading activity

Connected: Fact or Fiction: Pseudoscience; Sleeping Sleuths: Catching a Space Duck: The Science of Rongo
Connected: Fact or Fiction Level 3

Week 1

Connected: Fact or Fiction: Pseudoscience; Sleeping Sleuths: Catching a Space Duck: The Science of Rongo
Connected: Fact or Fiction Level 3