5 Paenga-whāwhā | 5 April: Copyright & Creating Your Own Media

Today we are learning to...

8 Poutū-te-rangi | 8 March: Advertise Yourself Positively & Drive tidy up

Learn | Ako

Today we are learning to...

Google Profile - advertise yourself positively
Google Drive Tidy Up

Create | Hanga

Share | Tohatoha

1 Poutū-te-rangi | 1 March: Be the "I" in KIND

Learn | Ako

Today we are learning how to...

Be the "I" in KIND - CB Camera timer & uploading to Canva

Create | Hanga

Share | Tohatoha

Canva: download and upload to Drive.webm

22 Hui-tanguru | 22 February: Introducing Yourself

Learn | Ako

Today we are learning how to...

PH3 SMS Introduce Yourself - class slides

Create | Hanga

Share | Tohatoha

An introduction on a shared slide deck and personalise your slide

16 Hui-tanguru | 16 February: Sharing Your Learning

Student Presentation Setting up Edublogs

Click the button above to go to edublogs

for teachers...

edublogs rollout - SMS Teachers

Check that your name is correctly spelt

Check that the school is correct

Check that your email is correct

Globe visiblility - edublogs rollout - SMS Teachers

15 Hui-tanguru | 15 February: Kawa of Care

Learn | Ako

Today we are learning how to...

Create | Hanga

Share | Tohatoha

Create | Hanga

Share | Tohatoha

A profile of ourselves in Google Drawing

Check that your file is in your Cybersmart folder so the class can view it on the class tv

PH3 Kawa of Care SMS 2022