On Monday, April 29 at noon, the first grade had its first egg hatch! We were able to watch egg number nine enter the world. Feel free to watch the video below to see our little friend hatch! We had five correctly predict that egg 9 would be the first egg to hatch.  As part of their reward, they were able to name our new friend! I would like to introduce: Professor Tom!

Congratulations to our five friends for predicting egg 9 as our first hatch! Professor Tom is the perfect name! 

Early Monday morning we saw our first pip holes. Then the chick slowly rotates in a circle pecking and peeping. Then the chick pushes with their feet and shoulders until they are free. 


We explored the amazing variety of eggs in the animal kingdom! We observed eggs from creatures like octopi, turtles, chickens, bluejays, and even fish. It was incredible to see how different these eggs were from each other.

Afterward, we put our observation skills to the test and picked our favorite egg. We even wrote down why we liked it the most!

Turtle and bluejay eggs were two of our favorites!


Today we experienced more virtual reality with Merge Cubes! We reviewed the stages of a chick's life cycle! This included what the chicks look like in the eggs today! Some of us got a photo of us "holding" one of the eggs, animals, or tools!  


Today we discussed the life cycle of a chicken! Using virtual reality, we saw what the chick looks like in the egg each day, when it first hatches, and after it dries. Then we explored putting each egg in order with a Chick Life Cycle set.  We tested our knowledge by putting the phases in order. Finally, we went more in-depth with a book on Epic! We also took turns turning the egg in the morning and the afternoon. 

We practiced being extra careful while turning the eggs!

We used Merge Cubes to experience virtual reality to explore the different phases of eggs. 

Reading non-fiction text about chickens using Epic!

Testing to see if we know the life cycle of a chicken! 

We were able to put all 21 eggs in order!


Today, we made predictions on which egg will hatch first! Everyone voted on one egg.  We then took our votes and created a picture graph and tally chart! A great review of our math unit a few weeks ago. 


Today the eggs arrived! It is their 14th day! The eggs will hatch around the 21st day (Monday). We learned a little bit about how to take care of the eggs.  Some important jobs we have is making sure there is water in the incubator and turning the eggs three times a day.  The mother hen, Bonnie, usually does this when she lays on them and keeps them warm. Our eggs will stay warm in the incubator set at 99.5 degrees.  

We made a chick craft to help decorate our classroom for our new friends! 

Farmer John came in to teach us about chickens and eggs. 

We met Bonnie and Clyde.  They are the mom and dad of our 12 eggs.