Welcome to 3rd grade!
Mrs. M. (3A)
Our Mission
Saint Leo the Great Catholic School community leads by the example of Jesus, with respect and compassion for all, to foster faith and academic growth.
Contact information
Office-(703) 273-1211
Email- mmonteagudo@saintleothegreatschool.org
Teacher's office hours:
Monday- Friday
Encore Schedule
Monday-Spanish, PE
Thursday-Library, Computers
Classroom rules, Expectations and Consequences
Whopping Cranes in Dangers
Spelling words 12/3/24
Red group
1. scrubs
2. screams
3. scratch
4. scrape
5. screen
6. bread
7. splash
8. spray
9. streak
10. scram
11. strong
12. wrote
13. three
14. throw
15. thread
16. spread
17. squeak
Yellow group
1. scrubs
2. screams
3. scratch
4. scrape
5. screen
6. spread
7. spree
8. spray
9. streak
15. thread
16. strength
17. splash
Green group
1. splash
2. spray
3. streak
4. wrote
5. strong
6. squeak
7. three
8. throw
9. thread
10. screen
11. sprint
12. sign
13. spread
14. scribble
15. scratch
16. scrape
17. streamer
18. strength
Blue Group
1. streak
2. strength
3. strong
4. squeak
5. three
6. throw
7. thread
8. scratch
9. splinter
10. sign
11. streamer
12. scribble
13. scrubs
14. scream
15. scrap
16. splash
17. sprinkle
18. instrumental
19. restaurant
What's happening in 3rd grade this week? 😀
Test's-Spelling test 12/6/24
HOMEWORK 12/3/24
Monday - No School
Tuesday 12/4/24
Spelling:ABC Order
Math: Math worksheet and practice 4x times tables
Reading: Listen to Whopping Cranes in Dangers.
Wednesday 12/5/24
Spelling: 3x times each
Math: Worksheet, practice 4x times tables. Reading:Whopping Cranes in Danger
Spelling: noun tree
Math: Practice 4x & 5x tables.
Reading: 15 mins.
Friday- NO H.W.
Songs we sing in class
School Resources