EAL Resources

Translate Spreadsheet

The PDST has a translate spreadsheet available for teachers to make a copy of into their own Google Drives. 

The file can be found here and a video tutorial on how to use it here.

Google Translate Toolbar

This tool has been added to the Chromebooks in Saint Eunan's College. You can find out how to use it in the video linked here.

This will also be available to students who log into school Chromebooks and is a free tool for any personal computer also. 

YouTube Translated Captions

YouTube has AI generated captions on their videos which included many languages. They may not always be perfect but are a fantastic tool in working with EAL students. Find out how to use them by clicking here

Translate in Google Drive

You can translate any Google Drive document into any language quickly and easily. To find out how to do this and to copy documents in different languages, click here

Microsoft Translator Live

Microsoft's Translate mobile app is considered one of the best live translations tool available in Education today. It's a fantastic resource for conversations with students or parents struggling with conversing in English.

The video here demonstrates the spoken feature of the app but its text-based translation may be a more appropriate tool for use in the classroom. 

Android Link

iPhone iOS Link

Chat GPT - Generative AI

This artificial tool, known as a Large Language Model, is a fantastic resource for the translation of material into other language but can also be used for the simplification of language, the summary of information and for adapting work. 

Click here to access the limited free tool.