Welcome to Fourth Grade!

Please check this website for our homework assignments, newsletters, and any other updates and resources that I might have for you. If you need to contact me please email me at kgilchrist@sainteugeneschool.org!

Welcome Fourth Graders and Parents/Guardians!

I am looking forward to spending the 2018-2019 school year with all of you! I am excited to start my third year here at St. Eugene. Fourth grade will be challenging, but we will also have a lot of fun learning together!

About the Teacher

I received my Master's Degree from Immaculata University in Educational Leadership. I also received my undergraduate degree in Education from Immaculata University and am state certified in Elementary Education as well as Special Education. Prior to St. Eugene, I was a Learning Support teacher at St. Pio Regional Catholic School, working with students from kindergarten up through 8th grade. I am a parishioner here at St. Eugene as well as a graduate and I am so blessed to be able to come back home!

Homework Policy:

We are implementing a demerit system in grades 4-8 starting this year. As a class, we have discussed our homework policy together. This policy states that if you miss three or more homework assignments within a two week period, the result is a demerit. The reason on the demerit slip will read "repeated lack of preparation for class." Three demerit slips will result in an after school detention.

Thank you for your help in making sure that homework is completed each night!