Welcome to Mrs. Morrill's Science Page!

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September 3rd 2021 - Welcome to Ms. Guercio's science page! All of the codes for Google Classroom can be found on the site. This year, Edpuzzle will be linked with Google Classroom, so you can log in using your Sachem email. Please make sure to use your SACHEM ACCOUNT for Google Classroom and Edpuzzle. Also, please make sure you can log into Castle Learning with the guidance below.

**Frequent updates will be available on Google Classroom!**

Google Classroom

From your SACHEM Google account, please join Google classroom.

LE Period 1: 4ouwmrz

Link to join: https://classroom.google.com/c/MzIwMjE0MTg0MjQz?cjc=4ouwmrz

LE Period 6: ipnqopa

Link to join: https://classroom.google.com/c/MzIwMjE0MTg0Mzc1?cjc=ipnqopa

LE Period 8: vx5vbe6

Link to join: https://classroom.google.com/c/MzIwMjE0MTg0NDI3?cjc=vx5vbe6

Castle Learning Log In Information:

  • Your USERNAME is sac. first initial last name

    • Ex. Joe Smith sac.jsmith

  • Your PASSWORD is your ID #

    • If you forget your password, send me an email or a Remind; I can reset it for you!





This year, Edpuzzle can be accessed directly through Google Classroom. If you are logging in through Edpuzzle, please use your Sachem Google Account to login.