Revista Instituto

Curso 2023/2024

LLANOS NAVARRO | DIRECTORA | 9 de enero de 2022 

El valor de las letras. 

Inmersión Lingüística en Exmouth, Reino Unido

ALUMNOS de 3º y 4º ESO 

Desde Exmouth, Reino Unido

25 de septiembre de 2023 

Our experience in Exmouth (U.K.)

We have had a nice experience in the United Kingdom. Specifically, in Exmouth, a town in the county of Devon. Exmouth is a great place to live in. It is really quiet, lovely and truly comfortable. And you will wonder what we were doing there. We went there to have an immersion week living with families. In the morning, we had lessons at a local school called Hello! Exmouth, and in the afternoon, we had some activities and free time. We visited some other places next to Exmouth, like Exeter (capital of the county of Devon) and Topsham. All of them were stunning, and there were many locations to visit, like Exeter's Cathedral, the RAMM (Royal Albert Memorial Museum) or the Jurassic Coast (this last in Exmouth).

Some people say that English food is not good, but we don't think so! In general, it is delicious, and there is a lot of variety. Some of the typical dishes that we ate were Fish and Chips, Cream Tea, Scones with Clotted Cream, Sausage Rolls and lots more!


To sum up, we would surely recommend this experience! We learnt a lot while having a good time. We hope we can return to Exmouth soon :).

Last but not least, we would like to thank our teachers José Manuel Villalba, Ana Nieves and Julia, who organized this marvelous and unforgettable trip.

Thanks for reading.


Diego Sánchez Martínez (3⁰ESO B)

Alicia Bonilla Botía (3ºESO C)

Javier Ruiz Castillo (3⁰ESO B)

Candela Castillo Fernández (4⁰ESO B)

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