HELENA CANDELA ULLOA | Desde Nasice| 29 de marzo de 2023

I went to Croatia from  26th March to 1st April.

I considered this experience as unique because I visited a lot of different places that I wouldn't have visited on my own.

As the normal Erasmus+ activities, some days we visited the country and others we stayed at the high school and in the city. Also, we have to take into account that there is a different time table, and also the food; but it is very interesting to try new cultures and different habits.

I think this experience was so curious because the Erasmus was about the architecture and we visited a lot  museums, In my opinion there was one of love stories that was pretty good, and it was a kind of museum that in Spain doesn't exist; also all of the different cities were built in differents types of ages so the architecture is different in each city.

My experience was unique, I visited a lot of places, I made friends with people from all around Europe and more with the ones I already knew, I also lived a lot of experiences and I recommend travelling and experiencing within Erasmus+ a lot.


Helena Candela Ulloa 4º ESO B