Orientation Day

During our orientation day, we had the pleasure of meeting and sharing our passions with all of you. From discussing our accomplishments and future plans to unraveling the mystery of a Rubik's Cube, it was an unforgettable experience. 

During the orientation, a possibility question was asked, and as a reward, a copy of the Mathematics World Magazine was given. The stand was beautifully decorated with posters from past events, the book "Concrete Mathematics" for future reading, Rubik's Cubes, Mathematics World magazines, and Tosun Terzioğlu's book titled "Dünyaya Çoklu Bakmak" (Looking at the World from Different Perspectives).

A big thank you to everyone who visited our stand; your presence made it truly special! Don't forget to join us at our upcoming meeting, where we'll continue this exciting journey together. Stay tuned for updates, and let's create lasting memories as we embark on this thrilling adventure!