1st SU EducatIon Conference
May 23 - 24, 2018
Cinema Hall
Abstract Submission (CLOSED)
This internal Teaching & Learning Conference will be a place for all educators, researchers and graduate teaching assistants to share models of innovative teaching and learning practices taking place at Sabancı University (SU). This will also serve as a place for us all to brainstorm our needs in keeping high standards in our education and creating more professional development opportunities, and to initiate a long-lasting educational support community at SU.
We invite all educators, researchers and graduate teaching assistants to the conference.
The conference is organized around four major themes:
- Course design & practices : Innovative approaches
- Technology in education
- Teaching / learning support on campus
- SU Education Community
⇒ Discussion Questions -- Share your responses here!
Keynote Talk (Day 1)
Title: "Does teaching ability in higher education come as a revelation?"
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Kürşat Çağıltay, Director of Instructional Technology Support Office, Middle East Technical University
Invited Talk (Day 2)
Title: "Learning and Teaching Experiences at Koç University"
Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Murat Sözer, Director of Koç Office of Learning and Teaching (KOLT), Koç University &
Associate Professor, College of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Koç University
The conference is open to all educators, researchers, and graduate teaching assistants of SU.
Registration is free BUT required to attend the conference.
Please register from the registration page by May 18, 2018.
Abstract Submission (CLOSED)
If you wish to give a 10-minute talk at the conference, you are kindly requested to submit an abstract. The language of the conference is English.
The abstract should be maximum 150 words and should contain brief summary of your talk (design/innovative approach, technology use, etc.). Please note that we have limited time slot allocated for contributed talks; the submitted abstracts will be reviewed for selection by the conference organizing committee.
Please submit your abstract by May 6, 2018 from this submission page.
Please send your inquiries to teachingconf@sabanciuniv.edu
Conference Organizers:
Foundations Development Directorate (Yuki Kaneko, Süphan Bakkal, Ebru Şaylan)