An alternative to burial

Welcome to VAST.

Welcome to another alternative to burial.

Parts of this site is still under construction. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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What is VAST?

Vessel for Autonomous Sea-burial Tribute (VAST) is an alternative to current sea burial practices. VAST is capable of performing the sea burial procedure out at sea. Its objective is to carry a custom designed urn to a designated sea burial point, and gently lower the urn into the sea. The urn can be customised to the users needs.

The entire procedure will be recorded and live streamed to a comfortable observation theatre back at the shore using VAST’s onboard cameras. This allows the sea burial to be observed by the bereaved family, regardless of age or mobility disabilities. The footage captured will also be processed and provided to the bereaved family for keepsake.

Experience our Journey

We have different mediums for you to see!

Blog : Day to day documentation (almost) of the project


Final Video.mp4