My Floor Cushion

Cushion or Round Couch?

I wanted a floor cushion for my room, but I also wanted sides on it. Therefore, this idea was born.

This is all single crochet… Nice tough fabric. Varying weights can be used as long as they are not in great quantities, and you need to stick mostly near one weight you choose (for example, I chose worsted.) You then can use other types very close to worsted or whichever weight you choose and it will turn out fine (or at least, mine did.) Two hexagons are made by alternatively increasing and then decreasing. One is twice the size of the other. Once those are made, I am hoping to crochet around the sides to make it a basket-like thing, then to decrease and create an indented inner part, which is where you sit.

Shown above is the first hexagon completed. For this one, I chained a beginning of 90, increased 1 stitch per row until I got to about 180, then decreased back to 90. Single crochet is pretty square, so this turned out good.

I keep all the tails to one side, which will be the inside of the cushion.

June 5, 2020:

This is the second hexagon. I chained 180 to start this one. At this point, it is more than 200 stitches wide and getting wider by one stitch each row.

July 9, 2020:

So... I had gotten a looot of rows done. It was really big. (The second hexagon, I mean.)

It was this big. This is about 5 feet long, and over 100 rows of single crochet.

And then I realized that it was too big. And so I had to undo it. Painful, but a high point was that I got this ball out of it:

This thing is wonderfully big. It is 20 cm in diameter. (Yep, I measured.)

I restarted, this time chaining 125. Waaay better.

August 4, 2020

It's been almost a year since I started working on this. I really want to get it done.

I am halfway done the second hexagon, and I can begin decreasing. I should have had 250 stitches when I reached 125 rows, but I was 7 stitches short, but that doesn't matter. In something this big you can afford to be missing some stitches...

August 14, 2020

I just finished the second hexagon, and took a better picture of the first.

First Hexagon

All single crochet, 180 stitches at widest point.

Second Hexagon

Completed August 14, 2020

All single crochet. 250 stitches at widest point.

September 24, 2020

For side panels: Ch 126, 125 sc.

150 rows.


75 rows.


Repeat x 5

Total 6 panels.