Post Discussions

Post In The Discussion Forum

1. Once you are on the correct course page, click on the dropdown menu "Communication".

Course homepage with a red box emphasizing on the "Communication" tab.

2. Select "Discussions" from the dropdown menu.

Course homepage emphasizing on the "Communication" dropdown menu with a red box around the "Discussions" button.

3. Select the forum you would like to post in.

Discussion page with a red box emphasizing the forum topic "course discussion".

4. Click "Start a New Thread" to create a new post.

Discussion topic page with a red box emphasizing on the "Start a New Thread" button.

5. Create a subject to the discussion, text, and attachments if necessary, then "Post" it to the discussion forum.

Create new thread page with a red box emphasizing on the text boxes, a red box emphasizing on the "Add attachments" collapsible text, and another red box emphasizing on the "Post" button.