Teacher Welfare

Chairperson: Marda Wright
Contact Information: tw@rvata35.ca

Alternatively, you can contact Teacher Welfare at tw@ata.ab.ca or call 1-800-232-7208 and ask for Teacher Welfare. Please note that advice cannot be provided via email. Please provide a telephone contact number where you can be reached.

What is the Teacher Welfare Committee?

The TWC is comprised of elected teachers from RVS local who represent the various levels of teachers, administrators, and substitutes of the bargaining unit. TWC members are elected for a two-year term unless the local is in bargaining and then the term is until the collective agreement is ratified.

What does the TWC do?

The TWC is responsible for communicating and ensuring a degree of consistency in our local’s economic policy, following the Association’s bargaining procedures. During the bargaining process, the TWC works closely with the local executive, the negotiating subcommittee (NSC), and the Representative of the Bargaining Agent (RBA.) The TWC affects changes to the collective agreement as negotiated and ratified by the teachers; informs members on matters pertaining to all levels of negotiations; selects the Negotiating Subcommittee (NSC) to negotiate for local bargaining; collects data to help deal with issues that arise from the agreement; and provides the necessary assistance and direction in enforcing the provisions of the collective agreement.

Meeting Dates:

Untitled presentation