Social Studies

Susan Imker

email: simker@rumriverspecialed.k12.mn.us

Phone: (763) 552-6714

Best times to contact: 10:10-11:05am, 3:00-3:30pm

Welcome to Social Studies at Rum River South! I use a variety of resources and curriculum to teach Social Studies, including Pearson MyWorld Social Studies, iCivics, Scholastic Magazines (Scholastic News and Jr. Scholastic), and Channel One News. Students in my classes learn more about the world, our country, our state, and our local area while learning how to be informed and engaged citizens who contribute positively to society.

Classroom Rules
Daily Schedule

Social Studies Power Standards :

Citizenship and Government--Substrand 1: Civic Skills--Standard 1: Democratic government depends on informed and engaged citizens who exhibit civic skills and values, practice civic discourse, vote and participate in elections, apply inquiry and analysis skills, and take action to solve problems and shape public policy.

Economics--Substrand 2: Personal Finance--Standard 1: People make informed economic choices by identifying their goals, interpreting and applying data, considering the short- and long-run costs and benefits of alternative choices, and revising their goals based on their analysis.

Geography--Substrand 1: Geospatial Skills, Standard 1: People use geographic representations and geospatial technologies to acquire, process and report information within a spatial context.

About me: I have been teaching for 15 years, the last 6 of which have been at Rum River South. My passion is to help students realize their potential and be successful members of society. In my free time, I enjoy reading, spending time with family and friends, making and listening to music, being outdoors, and taking care of animals.