2nd Dutch Health econometrics workshop

 Th.26-Fr.27 September 2024 in Groningen

(the program of previous year can be found here)

Source: Instagram.com/universityofgroningenlibrary

About the workshop:

We are organizing a workshop for researchers who apply econometric methods to answer questions in health economics. Such methods can include methods from the program evaluation literature, structural models, or other approaches. The aim is to stimulate the interaction between health econometrics researchers. Researchers working on Dutch data are especially invited to submit their work.

The workshop will take place at the University Library, which is a 15-minute walk from the main train station in Groningen. The workshop starts on Thursday, September 26, at 11.00 am, and it will end on Friday, September 27, after lunch. We plan to accept 8 papers, and we will devote 60 minutes to each paper (30 minutes presentation + 10 minutes discussion by an assigned discussant + 20 minutes general discussion). There is no conference fee, and we will provide lunches and dinner. You have to arrange for your own travel and accommodation, but we advise to stay in the Martinihotel in the center of Groningen.


Please submit a paper below by Saturday, 1 June 2024. We also encourage participation without presenting one’s own research. In this case, we assume the willingness to prepare a discussion of another participant’s work. 

Submission of papers:

Papers for this workshop will be selected based on a full paper. The deadline for submitting papers is Saturday, June 1, 2024. Submissions should be accompanied by a completed form. Click here to submit your paper .

Scientific committee and organizers:

Bram Wouterse (Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management), Raun van Ooijen (University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen), Stefan Pichler (Centre for Public Health in Economics and Business, University of Groningen), and Martin Salm (Tilburg University)


The workshop will take place at the University Library in Groningen ( Broerstraat 4, 9712 CP Groningen).

Conference dinner:

The dinner will take place at Het Goudkantoor.