April 4-6 Groningen 2018, The Netherlands

Organisers: Thijs Broekhuizen, Manda Broekhuis, Maarten Gijsenberg

Hosted by: Groningen Digital Business Center & Signature Area Digital Business Models


Digitization profound impact on industries, and has changed the functional areas of marketing and supply chain management. Unprecedented opportunities and challenges offered by availability of (big) data and technological advancements clearly exceed the independent fields of Marketing and Supply Chain Management. Hence cross-discipline solutions are needed to create and capture value based on a thorough understanding of benefits reaped from the integration of these fields.

Nature and Scope of the Conference:

In view of the increasing impact of digitization on many businesses, it is imperative to understand how digitalization impacts the development of new business models. As digitalization is more than just a software update and influences multiple departments, the insights from marketing, innovation strategy and supply chain management are necessary to develop sustainable business models. The conference aim is to create knowledge on integration of the Marketing-Strategy-Supply Chain Management interface to optimize business models in digital environments. On the last day, it will host experienced practitioners to reflect on the managerial challenges.

The first international conference on Digital Business Models invites conceptual research papers on 6 themes:

Theme 1: Digital Analytics

    • Use of big data and analytics to visualize, analyze, predict and inform both marketing and logistics.
    • Using customer data to inform logistics, and logistic data to inform customers, during upstream, mid-stream, and downstream the value system.

Theme 2: Sourcing and Digital Portfolios

    • Impact of product variety and sourcing on complexity of delivery networks and customer preferences.
    • Management of product portfolios (enabling versus controlled sourcing)? What is optimal size and how should portfolios develop over time? How to manage complex networks of delivery?

Theme 3: Use of smart products/IoT

    • Using smart solutions and product (use) data to allow for low-cost, fast-delivery
    • Smart logistics: autonomous packages
    • Use of dynamic pricing to steer demand

Theme 4: Marketing-logistics interface & delivery in digital environments

    • Nudging customers regarding product delivery, after-sales service, and product returns: delivery options, last-mile (delivery) and first-mile (return), communication to and involvement of customers in delivery and return handling.
    • Product returns/Using customers in delivery and pickup (co-creation

Theme 5: Digital Responsibility & Ethics

    • Digitalization to increase consumer well-being, improve health, care about environment, and protect privacy
    • Development of responsible digital strategies that use customer data fairly, integrate it in service offering, and create added value for customers (customers keep in control).

Theme 6: Business Model Strategy

    • Strategic development of digital (disruptive) business models that create value for customers, allow firms to capture value, and that are sustainable to global and local communities.
    • How to develop customer-value based, digital business models, and update them?


Time Activity Location

  • Thursday April 5: Conference Hotel Hampshire Center Groningen
                • 9.00-9.20 hrs. Welcome Conference room
                • 9.20-9.50 hrs. Keynote Bernd Skiera Conference room
                • 9.50-10.30 hrs. 1st session (intro) 6 groups in 6 rooms
                • 10.30-10.45 hrs. Coffee break Pantry
                • 10.45-11.45 hrs. 2nd session 6 groups in 6 rooms
                • 11.45-13.00 hrs. Lunch Lunch room
                • 13.00-13.45 hrs. 3rd session 6 groups in 6 rooms
                • 13.45-14.00 hrs. Coffee break Pantry
                • 14.00-14.15 hrs. Walk through park Outside
                • 14.15-14.45 hrs. Keynote Irene Ng Conference room
                • 14.45-15.30 hrs. 4th session (pres.) 6 groups in 6 rooms
                • 15.30-15.45 hrs. Coffee break Pantry
                • 15.45-16.15 hrs. Keynote Laura Br. Conference room
                • 16.15-17.00 hrs. Presentations 1-3 Conference room
                • 17.00-17.15 hrs. Coffee break Pantry
                • 17.15-18.00 hrs. Presentations 4-6 Conference room
                • 19.00-21.00 hrs. Dinner 't Feithhuis (Martinikerkhof 10)

  • Friday April 6: Conference Hotel Hampshire Center Groningen
                • 9.00-9.15 hrs. Intro practitioners* Conference room
                • 9.15-9.45 hrs. Challenges in practice Conference room
                • 9.45-10.30 hrs. 5th session 6 groups in 6 rooms
                • 10.30-10.45 hrs. Coffee break Pantry
                • 10.45-11.30 hrs. Keynote Yori W. Conference room
                • 11.30-12.00 hrs. Wrap up groups 6 groups in 6 rooms
                • 12.00-13.00 hrs. Lunch + Goodbye Lunchroom

* including practitioners

Hotel address: Radesingel 50, 9711 EK Groningen, https://hampshire-groningen.nl/

For more information: contact Thijs Broekhuizen (t.l.j.broekhuizen@rug.nl)

How to get to Groningen train station:

Travelling from Schiphol Airport (Amsterdam) to Groningen

When you arrive in the Netherlands at Schiphol airport, the easiest way to travel Groningen is by train. To go to the Dutch railway system (NS) , you can follow the signs that direct ‘to trains’.

Train Tickets

You will have to purchase a single-use chip card (this is your train ticket) to Groningen. You can do so via the blue and yellow ticket-vending machines that you will find in the luggage claim hall and by every entrance to the train terminal. You can purchase tickets from the machines only by using your Credit Card or a Debit Card with the Maestro logo. The vending machines do not take Credit Cards or American Debit Cards.

If you use a single-use chip card or OV-chipkaart please make sure you check in and out; hold your OV-chipkaart up against the NS card reader in one of the gates or free-standing posts. You can also buy your ticket online and print it yourself. This allows you to take care of everything whenever and wherever it suits you. All you have to do is fill in the journey details, pay, download and print your e-ticket. This means that you can board the train straight away!

Train schedules

Information on travelling by train is available on the NS website. The journey from Schiphol Airport takes approximately two hours and ten minutes and Groningen is the last stop. The trains are quite comfortable and most trains feature free wireless Internet in all classes and 220V AC outlets in first class. Food and drinks are not sold on the trains.

Planning your journey in the Netherlands

The website www.9292.nl is very useful for planning your journey in the Netherlands. The planner combines all available public transportation - trains, buses, trams, metro, boats and by foot - to provide an optimal route. It also informs you real-time about the current delays and disruptions in public transportation.

How to get from Groningen train station to Conference hotel:

Walking - 12 minutes

Taxi - 3 minutes: outside the train station (on your left) you will find taxis. It will cost around 8-10 euros.