
Fernando Casanova,
University of Murcia 

Iconography of Hypnosis: Exploring its Application to Language and Memory Disorders in French-Language Comics

Hypnosis, historically viewed with skepticism due to pervasive myths and its dismissal by psychoanalysis, which historically favored a primarily medical approach, has recently garnered attention within some hospital environments as a viable therapeutic technique (Feixas i Viaplana 2008; Özsunar et al. 2024). It must be comprehended as an experience rooted in a professional-patient interaction aimed at perceptual modification with ultimate therapeutic objectives (Peláez Pérez et al. 2019). This study endeavors to examine the iconography of hypnosis in French-language comics, focusing on its depiction and implications for speech and memory-related disorders. 

The methodology involves a systematic analysis of French-language comics featuring hypnosis, with a particular focus on how the technique is illustrated and its relevance to speech and memory-related conditions. Through this analysis, significant insights into the representation of hypnosis in French comics are revealed, shedding light on its portrayal and its potential applications for speech and memory-related disorders. The findings underscore the evolving perception of hypnosis, moving beyond its historical association with placebo effects (Chabridon et al. 2016). Moreover, the study highlights the potential of hypnosis as a therapeutic tool for accessing subconscious memories and aiding in speech recovery, as evidenced by its depiction in French comics. Additionally, the visual format of comics offers a unique perspective on the hypnosis process, providing readers with a deeper understanding of its intricacies and implications for patients' inner worlds.


Chabridon, G., Nekrouf, N., & Bioy, A. (2017). État des lieux des pratiques actuelles de l’hypnose au sein des centres hospitaliers universitaires français [Description of current hypnosis practice in French university hospitals]. L'Encephale, 43(5), 498-501. DOI: 10.1016/j.encep.2016.06.006 

Feixas i Viaplana, G. (2008). Hipnosis y terapias cognitivas [Hypnosis and cognitive therapies]. Apuntes de Psicología, 26(2), 193-197.

Özsunar, Y., Kayhan, H., & Utku Ince, L. (2024). Multidisciplinary approach to hypnosis: Psychiatric basis, neuroimaging and genetic findings. Psikiyatride Güncel Yaklaşımlar - Current Approaches in Psychiatry, 16(3), 451-465. DOI: 10.18863/pgy.1321465

Peláez Pérez, J.M., Benhaiem, J.M., Sánchez Casado, M., & Bustos Molina, F. (2019). Interés de la hipnosis médica en cirugía [Interest of medical hypnosis in surgery].  Revista electrónica de AnestesiaR, 11(7),