Jokes, Riddles, & Comics


I can only handle 25 letters of the alphabet... I don't know Y. ~Sydney Gray

Two pickles fell out of a jar onto the floor. What did one say to the other? Dill with it. ~Jaylon Herbert

How do you make a lemon drop? Just let it fall. ~Jaylon Herbert

When does a joke become a “dad” joke? When the punchline is a parent. ~Jaylon Herbert

What did the limestone say to the geologist? Don’t take me for granite! ~Jaylon Herbert

What kind of tree fits in your hand? A palm tree! ~Jaylon Herbert

I am on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it. ~Nolan Ainsworth

If you’re not supposed to eat at night, why is there a light bulb in the refrigerator? ~Nolan Ainsworth

My wallet is like an onion. When I open it, it makes me cry... ~Nolan Ainsworth

Doesn’t expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected? ~Nolan Ainsworth

I'm not clumsy, The floor just hates me, the table and chairs are bullies and the walls get in my way. ~Nolan Ainsworth

A cookie a day keeps the sadness away. An entire jar of cookies a day brings it back. ~Nolan Ainsworth

Why did Cinderella get kicked off the football team? Because she kept running from the ball! ~Nolan Ainsworth

What does a zombie vegetarian eat? “GRRRAAAIIINNNNS!” ~Nolan Ainsworth

Why don’t they play poker in the jungle? Too many cheetahs! ~Nolan Ainsworth

How did Darth Vader know what Luke got him for Christmas? He felt his presents! ~Nolan Ainsworth

What time did the man go to the dentist? Tooth hurt-y! ~Nolan Ainsworth

What do you call someone with no body and no nose? Nobody knows! ~Nolan Ainsworth

I am on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it. ~Novie Ivey

If you’re not supposed to eat at night, why is there a light bulb in the refrigerator? ~Novie Ivey

My wallet is like an onion. When I open it, it makes me cry... ~Novie Ivey

Doesn’t expecting the unexpected make the unexpected expected? ~Novie Ivey

I'm not clumsy, The floor just hates me, the table and chairs are bullies and the walls get in my way. ~Novie Ivey

A cookie a day keeps the sadness away. An entire jar of cookies a day brings it back. ~Novie Ivey



by Kamryn Tyrrell


by Nolan Ainsworth

The Treeo 1

by Nolan Ainsworth

Scary Dragon

by Jaylon Herbert

Give Me Your Money!!!

by Nolan Ainsworth

Mr. Minotaur VS. The 6-Headed CatSnake

by Nolan Ainsworth

I'll Take A Coffee

by Nolan Ainsworth