Speech, Physical, Occupational Therapy
Welcome to The SPOT! This website is intended to provide parents and teachers in our RSU 23 community with ideas and resources to help all students develop skills that will enhance and strengthen their learning experience in school. Good foundations in language, fine and gross motor development are precursors to learning the academic skills needed for reading, writing and mathematics.
Who We Are
Rebecca DeCosta
Occupational Therapist
Molly Walrath
Occupational Therapist
Casie Levesque
Physical Therapist
April Peterson
Speech Therapist
Lisa Spencer
Speech Therapist
Cathy Janelle
Speech Therapist
What We Do
Speech Therapy
A Speech Therapist or SLP (Speech Language Pathologist) in the public schools works on evaluating, diagnosing and treating a variety of speech and language/communications issues in children. They typically work on many skills including the following:
Articulation of sounds which includes production of isolated sounds, sounds in words production of multiple syllable words, and improving clarity at the sentence and conversational level.
Expressive Language skills which include: Sequencing words into sentences, using correct grammar such as use of pronouns and verb tenses and increasing sentence length
Receptive Language skills which include: Knowledge of basic concepts, vocabulary such as knowledge of rhymes, opposites and multi meaning words, ability to follow oral directions
Fluency which involves working on stuttering
Social communication which involves learning the basic rules of communication both verbal and non verbal.
Aiding students with hearing impairments and technology devices used for students with limited verbal abilities.
Physical Therapy
A Physical Therapist or PT in the public schools works on evaluating, diagnosing and treating a variety of physical issues that impact a student’s ability to participate and benefit from their educational program. They typically work on many skills including the following:
Gross Motor Skill Development
Muscle Strength
Motor Coordination/Motor Planning
Gait Training
Environmental Adaptations
Select,modify,or customize adaptive equipment
Occupational Therapy
A Occupational Therapist or OT in the public schools works on evaluating and treating the physical, cognitive, psychosocial and sensory issues that impact a student's ability to participate in the educational setting. They typically work on many skills including the following:
Fine motor skills
Visual-motor skills
Self-regulation, sensory processing//modulation
Self-care skills
Visual perceptual skills
Gross motor coordination
Activity and environmental modification/adaptations
Occupational therapists help people participate in and be as independent as possible in the things they want and need to do everyday through the therapeutic use of everyday activities (occupations).