RSU 13 Parent Academy 

 Welcome to our new resource for RSU families.  Whether you are looking for information about specific programs or hoping to learn more helping your child at school, we hope you find help here.  Check back, as we'll be adding resources over time.  If you have feedback or suggestions, please let us know using this feedback form.

Title I Videos 

How do I help my child with spelling? (Grades 3-5) 5 min.

Early Reading.& Phonemic Awareness  (pre K-2) 21 min

Development of Math Thinking (K-5) 8 min

Reading With Your Children (Grades pre K-5) 19.5 min

For K-2 parents. It may be helpful to talk with your child's teacher about your child's phonics program and recommendations for at home practice. We hope to have a separate video about this soon! This video is specifically about learning sounds, a key prerequisite for reading. 

Transportation & School Safety 

Watch a demonstration of how to safely cross the street when getting on or off the school bus .

ACE Program (Supporting Gifted Learners)

Art Development K-12. This video can help you understand typical development and how the ACE review team identifies advanced students.