Phone Number: 207-596-2010, ext:261
Phone Number: 207-596-2010, ext:261
Direct Line: 593 - 3625
Direct Line: 593 - 3625
Blue Day Schedule:
Blue Day Schedule:
Blue 1: German II GoogleClassroom Code: zlzd7fk Syllabus German II
Blue 2: German I GoogleClassroom Code: tmiawf7 Syllabus German I
Blue 3: Introduction to World Languages GoogleClassroom Code: loopp46 Syllabus Introduction to World Languages
Blue 4: planning period
White Day Schedule:
White Day Schedule:
White 1: German III GoogleClassroom Code: ura4zqj Syllabus German III
White 2: Introduction to World Languages GoogleClassroom Code: oiyohwr Syllabus Introduction to World Languages
White 3: planning period/4th quarter Study Hall
Blue 4: Introduction to World Languages GoogleClassroom Code: ulabqyg Syllabus Introduction to World Languages