RSU-PPET for IC & ICC Undergrads


RSU-PPET Examinee Handbook & Testing Regulations  >>>>> Click Here!


1. Left, right, and down.mp4

1. Pan the camera over your work area.

2. Pen, answer sheet, and second device.mp4

2. Clear your work station.

3. Put a second device at the back.mp4

3. Set your mobile to silent mode and 

leave it behind your seat.

4. Take a photo of an answer sheet.mp4

4. Take clear and sharp photos of your answer sheets,   

then send them to the proctor as instructed.

***Answer Sheet***     >>>> Click here!!

*You must print out this form before the test date. 

Score Review Request Form   >>>> Click here!!

Register for RSU-PPET 

Study how to register for RSU-PPET (Online)    >>>>> Click here!!

(For students enrolled in international programs ONLY)

****Test fee payment must be made on the same day of registration ONLY.