Classroom Information

Google Account: Students can access their google account at home. Here is a link for help:


Parent Guide to Google Classroom PDF

It is their

Homework (To Be Determined for 20-21 SY)

Students will be sent home every Monday with a homework packet. They have until the following Monday to turn it in. Each night students will have something to do that may include: reading, math, grammar, writing or research. Its their responsibility. The packets may be turned in early.


In the classroom your student will be using chromebooks. We will be using these computers almost daily. Students will be assigned one chromebook and use it all year long. They will take care of this chromebook and sign a student technology sheet with rules on how to be responsible for this computer.

Steps for logging in to Google at home:

Students are able to log into their accounts at home.

  1. To do this they need to go to google. They can just type in on the search bar.
  2. Next, they need to click the sign in up in the right hand corner. If someone is already signed in it will show a icon with a letter or picture. To sign out of the account you just click on the icon and press sign out.
  3. To log in the students need to enter in their google account. Example:
  4. After entering in their email they need to enter their password.

**Once they're logged in they can access all of our google apps. This is also used for prodigy! For them to access their prodigy account they need to be logged into their google account first**


Students are bringing home an information sheet about Prodigy. This is a FREE online math game to help students practice their math skills. The sheet does not have their login and password. They need to sign into their google accounts first. After they sign in they can go to and click the red sign in button.

*You DO NOT need to buy anything for them to play.

They are signed up under my class so I can see how do they do with math.

*They do not need to make a new login.

*This game helps them practice math skills.

*Students ARE NOT REQUIRED to play.

*This is a resource for your student.