
WELCOME to the RRECHS information page. Come here to find grade level/general information.

Important Dates

10-11-2021 Teacher workday

10-19-2021 HCC Second Mini-mester begins

11-11-2021 Holiday Veterans day

11-24-2021 Teacher work day

11-25/26-2021 Thanksgiving break


You may request for Academic Enrichment, Tutoring services, and resources by completing both sides of the Student Referral Card (SRC) attached below.

1. Complete one SRC for each class that you require enrichment/tutoring services.

2. Next, email the SRC back to me. <duncana.rrec@rrgsd.org>

4. Students and tutors will be required to sign-in on the Student Attendance Form before each enrichment/tutoring session.

CAE SRC Revised - Word.docx

Tshirts size small-XL available for $16 / Hoodies Same sizes are $23 See Ms. Moseley for details!!

*Please be aware the shirts/hoodies are black*

We are working on a yearbook/memory book for RRECHS this year. Stay tuned for more info as we are very excited!

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

Staff Emails

Holly Holman

Ryan Stowinsky

Ashley Lynch

Angela Rowe

Keisha Moseley

Jance Moody

Dr. Angela Duncan