End of Terms

Progress Reports

Q1 - 09-09-2024

Q2 - 11-12-2024 

Q3 - 02-10-2025 

Q4 - 04-14-2025

Grading Periods END on

Q1 - 10-9-2024

Q2 - 12-20-2024

Q3 - 03-13-2025

Q4 - 05-22-2025

Store Grades
Data Processing  will be storing grades.  Let us know when your school is ready.

Q1 - 10-11-2024

Q2 - 01-06-2025

Q3 - 03-17-2025

Q4 -  05-19-2025 (elementary)
High School

Reports go home on

Q1 - 10-14-2024

Q2 - 01-07-2025 

Q3 - 03-20-2025

Q4 - 05-23-2025
End of Day or 05/22